Cat Netting and Australian Wildlife Conservation

Cat Netting and Australian Wildlife Conservation

Have you ever wondered about the connection between cat netting and Australian wildlife conservation?

Pet cats are beloved members of our family but they can pose a threat to native wildlife. So how can you stop this while also keeping your cat happy?

This blog will discuss cat netting and Australian wildlife conservation, focusing on how cat owners can do their part to help.

Domestic Cats and the Decline of Australian Wildlife

Domestic cats, while adorable and beloved pets at home, have a different reputation in the wild. Cats are naturally programmed to hunt and kill, posing a serious threat to Aussie fauna.

Free-roaming pet cats kill 390 million animals each year in Australia. That’s an average of 186 animals per cat, including birds, reptiles and small native mammals. Unfortunately, domestic and feral cats are linked directly to the drop in numbers of Australia’s native mammal species. 

For this reason, many local councils now require owners to keep cats on their own premises. Australian Wildlife Conservancy has set up a 37km long cat-proof fence in Mallee Cliffs National Park, making it the largest cat-free area mainland Australia.

Domestic Cats and the Decline of Australian Wildlife

What Is Cat Netting?

Cat netting is a strong netting designed to contain cats in a certain area. The mesh design also allows your cat full visibility so they won’t feel isolated or confined despite being within set limits.

Cat netting comes in various forms. You can purchase loose netting by the metre, allowing you to block off balconies or custom areas in your yard. This will require you to be a bit handy, measuring and installing netting to fit.

You can also purchase flatpack cat net enclosures, that come with netting already attached onto the side panels. This is an easy way to set up a secure backyard area for your cat.


Aussie cat owners will appreciate how durable cat netting can be. It’s made from knotted high-density polyethene material, making it sturdy enough to withstand your cat’s claws yet gentle enough to not hurt their paws.

Look for a mesh size that is small enough that your cat cannot get its paws or head stuck.

Where Can I Buy Cat Netting?

At Somerzby, we now offer high-quality cat netting enclosures. Our netting is reinforced with stainless steel wire, making it strong and safe. As Australia’s leading pet enclosure store, our cat netting comes in flatpacks so assembly is easy. No cutting or measuring required!

Cat Netting and Australian Wildlife Conservation

Domestic cats are natural hunters. This predatory behaviour is not limited to suburban backyards but extends into bushland areas where cats wander and prey on small animals.

Cat netting helps to protect Australian wildlife. It acts as a physical barrier that restricts your pet’s movement beyond designated boundaries without causing any harm or discomfort to them.

By restricting our cats’ roaming area, we help protect critically endangered species from becoming victims in the food chain. Somerzby’s range of cat enclosures gives your kitty plenty of space to roam safely within a fenced area while keeping them away from local fauna.

What Other Measures Can I Take To Protect Native Wildlife From Cats?

Besides using cat netting, there are several other strategies you can use to keep our Aussie wildlife safe from cats. 

  • Keeping Your Cat Indoors at Night: Consider keeping your furry friend indoors once the sun goes down. Many native Australian faunas are most active at night.
  • Cat Desexing: Desexing your cat helps to limit the number of wild romances and subsequent litters. Unwanted litters may grow up to be stray cats, wandering around at night and increasing the risk to native animals. If all pet owners in Australia got their cats desexed early in life, we could greatly reduce the number of stray animals while ensuring the protection of native wildlife.
  • Provide Alternative Sources: Providing your pet cat with plenty of engaging toys and regular meals at home can help curb their hunting instincts. A bird feeder placed high up in the garden will keep feathered friends safe while offering an exciting spectacle for cats in enclosures.
  • Wearing a Bell: Putting a bell on your pet cat can save endangered animals. The sound warns animals of the cat’s presence and allows them time to get away. This will dramatically reduce your cat’s hunting success.
What Other Measures Can I Take To Protect Native Wildlife From Cats?

Toni’s Wrap

Domestic cats, with their innate hunting instincts, pose a significant threat to our native fauna. As cat owners, it is our responsibility to find a solution that allows cats to be happy while wildlife is protected.

Throughout this blog, we found a strong connection between cat netting and Australian wildlife conservation. Cat netting offers a humane and safe outdoor space for your feline companions while preventing them from contributing to the decline of native species. 

Somerzby’s high-quality cat netting enclosures, reinforced with stainless steel wire, are a reliable choice for concerned pet owners.