Protect Your Cat With Cat Patio Netting: A Complete Guide

Protect Your Cat With Cat Patio

Protecting our feline friends while letting them enjoy the great outdoors is a common desire for many cat lovers. This often leads us to consider options like cat patio netting.

A well-designed enclosure with cat patio netting provides a safe space for our cats to explore and enjoy fresh air and also gives us peace of mind knowing they are protected from potential dangers.

Cat enclosures are rapidly growing in popularity with Australian pet owners. It’s great to see people taking steps to keep their feline friends safe.

If you want to contain your cat in your outdoor patio area and prevent wandering, read on for tips and advice.

Types of Cat Patio Netting

Before embarking on the journey of creating the perfect cat enclosure, you should know that there are two main options for containing your cat on your patio using netting.

Cat Net Enclosures

Cat netting enclosures are a secure run where cats can safely spend time outdoors. They are typically made of a steel frame with cat netting on the sides and top.

These enclosures are portable and perfect for sitting on your patio, balcony or outdoor undercover area.

A huge benefit for cat owners is that they are easy to assemble. Simply clip the metal poles together to make the frame, drape the pre-cut netting over the top, and then secure it using Velcro or cable ties.

Somerzby’s range of catios is made with premium cat netting reinforced with stainless steel for added strength.

Loose Cat Netting

Other suppliers sell bulk rolls of loose cat netting. This is a good option if you want to enclose a small existing area (such as a balcony) or create a DIY cat enclosure yourself.

Installing loose cat netting can be tricky. It often will require the assistance of a professional installer, adding significantly to the cost.

Cat Patio Netting Enclosures help to protect cats

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Cat Patio Netting

Before you rush out and buy cat netting for your patio area, you need to first do some planning.

Determining Enclosure Size

The size of your cat enclosure will depend on the number of cats you have plus the age and activity level of each cat.

You also need to consider the available space in your home. If you are installing the enclosure on a patio or balcony, measure it thoroughly before purchasing to make sure it will fit once fully assembled.

Allow extra room in your netting enclosure for bedding, food and water bowls, plus scratching accessories.

Planning the Design

If you want your cat happy in his new living space, consider what features he may enjoy. 

If your cats enjoy sitting up high, consider making your netted enclosure tall with hammocks and platforms. More active cats may appreciate ramps, tunnels and climbing structures.

Installation Techniques

Consider how you will install your cat netting before purchasing. 

Assembling a Somerzby cat net enclosure is very easy and no tools are required. We also provide simple assembly instructions.

If you are planning to attach loose netting to your home and block off an existing patio, seek quotes from professional installers first. Consider both the cost of the netting rolls plus the labour costs.

Somerzby Cat Banner

Addressing Potential Issues 

Although installing a cat enclosure provides numerous benefits, certain problems might occur. Proper planning is the best way to overcome these and keep your cat safe.

Escape Attempts

Cats are skilled climbers and escape artists. To deter them from trying to climb or jump over the netting, install the netting tautly, ensuring no loose sections for them to grip.

Extend the netting above the top of the fence line and even below ground if they like to dig, providing complete containment.

Weathering and Maintenance

Just as our outdoor furniture can be impacted by the sun and rain, so can cat enclosures. Choose premium cat enclosure netting that is UV-treated to withstand Australian summers.

Regular inspection and cleaning can help maintain the cat patio netting’s integrity, preventing rips and tears that might create escape opportunities for your kitty.

Cat Patio Netting Enlosure

Benefits of a Netted Cat Enclosure

From preventing our felines from turning into bird hunters to keeping those pesky vet bills in check, cat containment comes with numerous advantages.

Protecting Native Wildlife

All cats, even those well-fed, have natural hunting instincts.

In Australia, roaming pet cats kill 1.5 million animals every day. This includes native birds, lizards and small mammals.

Outdoor cat enclosures keep your cat secure on your property, preventing them from killing animals and helping the environment.

Preventing Accidents and Injury

Cats in enclosures live longer than those allowed to roam. 

Cat patio netting keeps kitties safe from potential injuries caused by traffic, encounters with dogs, or even skirmishes with other neighbourhood felines.

This safer outdoor environment can also help minimise your cat’s exposure to fleas, ticks and worms.

Enhanced Well-Being for Your Cat

Cats enclosed in a safe outdoor space can safely experience sunlight, watch birds (without catching them), and breathe fresh air. This kind of stimulation can prevent boredom and destructive behaviour.  

This also keeps your cat active and healthy, resulting in reduced vet bills.

Toni’s Wrap

Creating an outdoor enclosed area for our feline companions through cat patio netting allows them to safely embrace their curiosity. Cat netting prioritises safety and enrichment, and prevents accidental bird encounters.

When purchasing cat netting for your patio, you can choose an enclosure or loose netting. Consider the sizing and always plan ahead, ensuring you have the right installation skills to ensure it is escape-proof.