Train Your Cat To Come When Called
One of the most useful tricks you can teach your cat is to come when called.
Cats are notoriously independent creatures, so it may seem like teaching them to come when called is an impossible task.
However, with regular practice and some tasty treats, you can soon have your cat running to you whenever you call their name.
Start by selecting a command word or phrase that you will use every time you want your cat to come to you. “Here, kitty!” or calling their name work well. Then, give your cat a treat every time they respond to the command by coming to you.
In time, they will associate the command with receiving a delicious treat and will happily come running whenever they hear you calling their name.
Shake Hands
Shaking hands isn’t just a trick for dogs, it can also be taught to cats!
To teach your cat to shake hands, start by holding out your hand and letting them sniff it. Once they seem comfortable, gently stroke their paw with your fingers.
If they resist, try offering a treat as encouragement. When they finally let you touch their paw, hold it firmly and give a light shake.
Repeat this process until your cat seems comfortable shaking hands.
Teach Your Cat To Sit
Sit is one of the easiest tricks to train your cat. All you need is a little patience and your cats favourite treats.
To start, hold a treat close to your cat’s nose and say the word “sit.” Slowly move the treat back and up, so that your cat has to raise its head to keep following the treat.
As soon as your cat’s bottom touches the ground, give it the treat and praise. Be sure to do this consistently, until your cat gets the hang of it.
Beg Like A Dog
Begging is similar to the ‘Sit’ command. To teach them how to beg, hold a treat above their head and say the command “beg”.
Your cat should stand on its legs to reach for the treat. If they do, be sure to praise and reward with a treat.
Practice this trick until they beg on command without having to lure with a treat overhead.
Walking On A Leash
Although most cats prefer to stay indoors, there are many benefits to taking them for a walk on a leash.
Leash training can be a great way to provide your cat with some much-needed exercise, and it can also be a bonding experience for you and your furry friend.
The first step is to purchase a harness and leash that are specifically designed for cats. Next, get your cat familiar with the harness by letting them wear it around the house for short periods of time.
Once your cat is comfortable with the harness, you can begin attaching the leash and walking them around your home.
Finally, once your cat is comfortable with the leash, you can take them outdoors and enjoy all the benefits that come with being able to walk your cat. Not only is it convenient, but it also allows your cat to get much-needed exercise while enjoying the outdoors.
Scratching His Post, Not the Furniture
One of the best ways to keep your cat from scratching furniture is to teach them how to use a cat scratcher.
Cat scratchers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all serve the same purpose: to give your cat a place to scratch without damaging your furniture.
To get started, choose a scratcher that is tall enough for your cat to stretch out and scratch comfortably.
Somerzby have a great selection of cat scratchers to choose from. Once you have selected a scratcher, place it in an area where your cat likes to spend time.
Encourage your cat to use their new scratcher by offering treats or toys near it. With a little patience and encouragement, you can soon teach your cat to use a scratcher instead of your furniture.
Let us know in the comments what awesome tricks you’ve taught your own cats. We can’t wait to hear all about them!